Blogging tips,How to earn money online, SEO tips and Blogger help

Sunday, 10 August 2014

On 10:40 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments
      Dear Bloggers, as we know the fact that Blogger templates are not well optimized for SEO and you have to add a certain things manually like keywords, meta tags etc.On the other hand WordPress templates are optimized for SEO and that's one of the reasons why WordPress lead Blogger.
       But If you are Blogger user, you need to optimize your template and its not so hard, you will learn how to do it, in this article, within few minutes.
        There are two methods;

  1. Adding Meta tags to whole Blog.
  2. Adding Meta tags to each Blog post. 
You will need to do both.So lets start with method 1...

1:Adding Meta Tags To Whole Blog:

Meta Tags are placed between  <head> and  </head> tag of your blogger template. Login to blogger and follow the following steps;

Step 1:

Go to Template > Backup/restore > Edit HTML 
How to add meta tags in blogger

Step 2:

Now Press Ctrl+F and search for </head> or search for the following code;
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
and past the below code before  </head> or after the above code...

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

  • Write the description of your blog in place of "DESCRIPTION HERE".
  • Write the keywords in place of "KEYWORDS HERE".
  • Write your name in place of "AUTHOR NAME HERE".
As you can see in the following screenshot;
How to add meta tags in blogger
Don't add a whole list of keywords just 5-6 are enough and separate the keywords or author names(if they are more than one) with comas.
                                 Congrats! Coding is done.

2:Adding Meta Tag To Each Blog Post :

Now I will show you how to add meta description tag to individual Blog post.

Step 1:

Go to Settings > Search preferences >  Meta tags>Description>Click on edit

Now check the box YES and it will enable the search description.Write a  brief description of your blog up to 150 characters.

Step 2: To Individual Posts 

After completing step 1 you will be able to add meta description in each blog post.
Just go to edit post(new post) and look for search description.

Write a short summary (important points) of your article in the search description.This description will be shown as a summary of your article in search engine.
I hope this article was helpful.Please share your thoughts in the comment section bellow.

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