Blogging tips,How to earn money online, SEO tips and Blogger help

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

On 01:56 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments

Blogging Tips

           Getting rejected by Adsense is very frustrating and many newbies give up when they get rejected for a  number of times.There are lots of reasons for getting rejected .

         Do you want to get approved by Google Adsense ? If YES...Then you should not hurry up for applying before you are fully ready.I will share with you some tips that you should follow before applying for adsense. Those tips wouldn't just help in approving adsense account but is also good for your blog to look professional. Adsense is the best among the ads networks and that's why its the most wanted one.  
Google adsense

            Your primary goal should be your blog not adsense approval.  
Following are the tips;

Design/Template Of Your Blog:

Design/template of your blog/site is very important.It should be simple, not a fancy one. Adsense likes user friendly websites/blogs.User friendly means;

  • It shouldn't load slowly.
  • User can have access to all parts of your blog easily.

No Copyright Content:

Your blog shouldn't have any type of copyright material. When I started blogging I had some idea about copyright laws but i didn't know that most of the images are also under such laws, so you should be careful about images and videos too.
You can use images from public domain or free stock but still you should confirm it that its not under any kind of law(there are different types of copyright laws).Try to use your brain and write articles because there is no easy money on  internet.

Privacy Policy: *(Adsense requirement)

Prgram policies          Many of newbies don't know anything about that it is adsense requirement to have a privacy policy of your blog/site.In privacy policy you discloses some or all of the ways party gather and manages a clients data.I have a detail article on How to create a privacy policy for your blog. Just read my article and follow the steps given there, its very easy to create a privacy policy BUT very important. 

                  You might have heard of getting banned from Google Adsense due clicking your own ads but you could get banned for not having a privacy policy.In the screenshot you can see Google adsense program policies.

Enough Content:

You should have enough content on your blog and it would be much better if that is unique.At least write 10 to 15 or more useful articles before applying for adsense. It will be much better if your blog is about one particular niche, adsense love such blogs and it would be very helpful for you too, to concentrate on just one topic.

Remove Other Networks ads:

If you already have ads on your blog/site of other networks then first thing you should do is to remove all those ads before applying adsense.
         Well it doesn't mean that Google doesn't allow you to use other networks ads put it would be a good idea to remove those ads before applying.


           Adsense doesn't allow you to use bots, get paid traffic or other such websites which generates inorganic traffic.Organic traffic is much better than inorganic traffic.More, unique and lengthy(not useless) content can help you in getting traffic.Be active on other social media platforms like Facebook and twitter.
Stop sign 

        If you want your new blog to get traffic in just a few weeks or days then to be honest quite blogging.Getting traffic takes time and need hard work and pure content.
       Stay away from such websites which generate traffic to your blog Because Google Adsense don't want such blogs or sites having inorganic traffic.

Image Optimization:

If you use images in your blog/site then you must optimize those images.
     Google bots can not read images and so if you have a blog containing mostly images and you apply for Google Adsense then your request will be rejected because of thin content(not enough words).
Search engine Optimization
     To solve this problem, write a short paragraph to every image or group of images you upload; for example; describe the image, why and when you took this image etc..
    But by just writing a paragraph doesn't mean your job of image optimization is done, which is a separate process.Its very easy to optimize images...
READ my article on Image Optimization

Submit Your site To Search Engines:

Submit your site/blog to search engines because you want your site to be indexed and visible for many viewers.You can use webmaster tools for that like Google webmaster tools and Bing webmaster tools.

Note: I want to be honest with you::Its not guarantee that adsense will approve your request even when you have followed all the tips and rules because  i have a few examples of bloggers, like one had over 100 post but still got rejected for insufficient content (thats really heart breaking).But never loose hope and after got rejected on the first try then you should wait at least a month to apply for it again and there are other ads networks that you can try if adsense don't accepts you.

If you have still any problem or question please contact me or comment bellow..



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