Blogging tips,How to earn money online, SEO tips and Blogger help

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

On 10:46 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments

            Anyone new to blogging world would ask this question.So, if you are  new to blogging and want to know explore this new world then here is some basic information worth reading.
           A blog is different from traditional websites.Blogging is getting popular day by day.There are millions of people blogging everyday, many do it as a passion or share information, some do it to share their personal stories other do it to make money.Following is some info to answer your questions;
girl thinking

 What is a Blog ?

  • A blog is a personal webpage or website on which people can share information related to a specific topic or a number of categories.
  • Blog topic depends on you, whatever you are expert or interested in, for example; you have knowledge about "Birds" then start a blog about birds, as the topic "birds" is a vast topic, the topic can be specific for example a blog about "eagle types".
  • A blog is regularly updated and new stuff is added daily, weekly or monthly.
  • The word "Blog" is derived from "weblog".
  • Blog often reflects the personality of the auther.

What is Blogging ?

  • Anything you do in your blog is called blogging, for example; writing posts/content, uploading images, videos, optimizing your posts for search engine etc.
  • A blogger is a person who blogs (do blogging).You need to learn or should have all the necessary skills to be a blogger for example; writing skills, how to optimize your articles and images in blog, how to communicate with your audience etc.
  • Each new item submitted to blog is called post.
  • Articles or posts appears in reverse chronological order in blog.

Difference between Blog and Website:

  • A blog is updated regularly, even some bloggers update their blogs several times a day, it depends on the blogger while websites are not updated regularly.
  • Information on a website is about something which dose not change, so it rarely needs any updates. But Blogs are updated daily, weekly or monthly.
  • Another difference is that a website is a little harder to maintain than a Blog which is very easy to use and can be easily updated.
  • Blogs provide a commenting system and encourage conversation on each post.

Is Blogging Free?

  • There are many Blogging platforms some provide free service and paid both while other provide paid service.
  • There are advantages and disadvantages of both paid and free.
  •  If you want your own domain name e.g "" without "" or "" then you will have to pay for that.

Blogging Tips:

Click the following to read the articles;

[This post is a part of "A complete guide on How to start your own Blog"]


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