Blogging tips,How to earn money online, SEO tips and Blogger help

Saturday, 30 August 2014

On 06:06 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments
     This is the most important phase when starting a new blog.If you are serious about blogging and want your blog to succeed then you should be very careful in choosing a blog topic.

     Choosing a blog topic is a whole process through which you have to go through to decide a blog topic.In this article I will show you "How to choose a blog topic" for your new blog in a very simple way.
Girl thinking
Whats the best blog topic for you?

     Many newbies take this part very easy and they just pick any topic and start blogging about it, this will be your first big mistake even before starting your blog and you will regret it in near future.The thing is that "choosing a blog topic" is the most hardest and the most important part of blogging.So lets start;

What are your ambitions for Blog?

How do you want your blog to be in future and what do you want from your blog;
  • A long-term blog.
  • Vast audience/lots of traffic.
  • Earn money from it.
  • Easy for you to add more content.
         Anyone who want to start a new blog will have the above objectives in their mind.If you have the above ambitions for your blog then you would need the best topic to start with.

1:Ask yourself the following Questions:

QuestionYour first job here is to do some research on yourself and answer the following questions;

  1. What are you interested in(any topic)?
  2.  On which topic you like to talk with your friends?
  3. In which field you are expert and have the most knowledge?
Above are the most important questions you must ask yourself because in the end it all depends on you and your skills.

2:Answer the above questions:

      Now take a paper and pen and write down a few topics in which you are interested in and have the most knowledge about.
     You will start a blog on one of the topic that you have noted down by answering those questions you asked yourself.
   Now that you have short listed the topics, I will tell you the characteristics that the "one finale" topic should have, But first I will tell you the wrong start that many newbies make;

Wrong questions lead you to wrong TOPIC:

The mistake that most of the newbies make is that they do not research on their skills, interest, knowledge etc instead they are looking for a topic of;
  • More popularity
  • Topic that will earn them money (profitable blog topic)etc
 Why are they wrong by doing this?
                Its because you have to do all the writing and if you have selected a blog topic which is popular and will earn you money etc BUT you don't have much knowledge about it then HOW will you build your blog and write articles? You have skipped the first major step which is research on yourself first...

3:Characteristics of the Blog Topic:

      Now that you have finished the research on yourself and shortlisted some topic, its time to research on these topics you have selected.Most of the newbies do this step first;as i have mentioned above.Following are the characteristics that your blog topic should have;

  • Choose the most popular topic from the shortlist:

"Most popular" means that many people are searching for information about that topic (in search engines) or info related to that topic because your goal is to get the most traffic so you will achieve this goal by having a blog topic which is popular in internet world.
Read: How to make your blog look professional 

  • Don't choose a topic which is interesting for you but not for other people:

Even if you are very interested in a certain topic and you have lots of knowledge about it BUT there is not enough demand for it in the internet community THEN just simply ignore that topic because you will not get any traffic to your blog.

  • Choose a topic you like researching about:

You will have to research about that topic more and more to get more knowledge even if you already have some.If you know "What is blog and blogging?", the unique aspect of it is that bloggers give new, fresh, meaningful content about a certain topic.So you will have to research about your blog topic and in order to be successful, you need to enjoy reading about it and keeping up with news and events related to it.

  • Choose a topic that you like to teach:
You have to interact with your readers and answer their questions. This will give a good impression and is very important to keep in contact with your readers.

[This post is a part of "A complete guide on How to start your own Blog"]

More Articles:
SEO How to use keywords
How to post a link in a comment
How to create a privacy policy for your blog
Things to do before applying for adsense

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

On 10:46 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments

            Anyone new to blogging world would ask this question.So, if you are  new to blogging and want to know explore this new world then here is some basic information worth reading.
           A blog is different from traditional websites.Blogging is getting popular day by day.There are millions of people blogging everyday, many do it as a passion or share information, some do it to share their personal stories other do it to make money.Following is some info to answer your questions;
girl thinking

 What is a Blog ?

  • A blog is a personal webpage or website on which people can share information related to a specific topic or a number of categories.
  • Blog topic depends on you, whatever you are expert or interested in, for example; you have knowledge about "Birds" then start a blog about birds, as the topic "birds" is a vast topic, the topic can be specific for example a blog about "eagle types".
  • A blog is regularly updated and new stuff is added daily, weekly or monthly.
  • The word "Blog" is derived from "weblog".
  • Blog often reflects the personality of the auther.

What is Blogging ?

  • Anything you do in your blog is called blogging, for example; writing posts/content, uploading images, videos, optimizing your posts for search engine etc.
  • A blogger is a person who blogs (do blogging).You need to learn or should have all the necessary skills to be a blogger for example; writing skills, how to optimize your articles and images in blog, how to communicate with your audience etc.
  • Each new item submitted to blog is called post.
  • Articles or posts appears in reverse chronological order in blog.

Difference between Blog and Website:

  • A blog is updated regularly, even some bloggers update their blogs several times a day, it depends on the blogger while websites are not updated regularly.
  • Information on a website is about something which dose not change, so it rarely needs any updates. But Blogs are updated daily, weekly or monthly.
  • Another difference is that a website is a little harder to maintain than a Blog which is very easy to use and can be easily updated.
  • Blogs provide a commenting system and encourage conversation on each post.

Is Blogging Free?

  • There are many Blogging platforms some provide free service and paid both while other provide paid service.
  • There are advantages and disadvantages of both paid and free.
  •  If you want your own domain name e.g "" without "" or "" then you will have to pay for that.

Blogging Tips:

Click the following to read the articles;

[This post is a part of "A complete guide on How to start your own Blog"]

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

On 04:11 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments
You read an article and after that you want to post a link of another article or site/blog that you know, which is related to that article, in the comment section.

But you don’t know how to give a link, so that when someone read your comment and click on the 
link that you have given, will lead him/her to the desired site. 
And you want a title in place of that link(url)...
So here is HOW to post a link (which just shows a title in place of that link)

   It’s very easy to do. Following is the code;
  <a href="URL">Title</a>

Replace “URL” with the link.
Replace “TITLE” with your desired title name.


  • Don't post many links in comments or it will be detected by Google as spam.
  • Don't post link in comments just to build backlinks to your blog.
  • Don't post links which are not related to the article.

More Interesting Articles:

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

On 04:55 by Truefoxarticles in    No comments
          Image optimization is a good SEO practice but many of the bloggers especially newbies don't realize how important is it to optimize images.Image optimization can generate more traffic from image search for example ; Google images or Bing image search.

         If you have lots of images in your blog and non of them are optimized then start optimizing images from today to get this extra ton of traffic.
         But image optimization is very easy and I will show you how to do it in this article.So lets start;

Image Optimization # 1: Alt Text

What is Alt text ?

 It is the text through which search engine understands the image.Simply, it defines the image.

    Search engines don't understand or can't read images.So, you are wrong if you think that there is text in the image and search engine will read it.Alt text is the solution to it and search engine read the alt text and understand the image.

How to add alt text?

 In Blogger it is very simple.Just click the image that you have uploaded > click properties > You will get two boxes (Alt text and title text).
how to optimize images
when you click on the image that blue bar appears 

Alt text and title text boxes...
how to optimize images
After clicking properties, these two boxes appears 

What to put in Alt text and Title text boxes ?

You already know about alt text that it helps search engine to understand the image.
Title text is for the viewers, for example; when you move mouse pointer over a picture, you will see a title,  (check the following screen shot)
What is alt text and title
Example of title text

  • Alt text : You can add a keyword that is related to image and define the image too.
  • Title text : Add a title for example; click to enlarge the photo etc.

Image Optimization #2 : Size of the image

Size of the image matters too because extra large images can slow down the loading time of the page and its not comfortable for the viewers too.

Image size should be normal. 
Edit your image(size) before uploading it in the post.Don't re-size it in you browser, use an image editor to make it to a desired size then upload it.

Image Optimization #3 : Add captions 

Most of the bloggers don't add captions to the image ( including me) but it is important to add captions.

You add images to attract readers and to give your post a better look but to give a better look to the image you should add captions.

Adding captions under the images complete the body of the image and readers definitely read those, so it better be good.

Finale Words:

If you spend hours on optimizing and editing your article just spend a few minutes optimizing your images too because images are the most important part of your article. 

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Sunday, 10 August 2014

On 10:40 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments
      Dear Bloggers, as we know the fact that Blogger templates are not well optimized for SEO and you have to add a certain things manually like keywords, meta tags etc.On the other hand WordPress templates are optimized for SEO and that's one of the reasons why WordPress lead Blogger.
       But If you are Blogger user, you need to optimize your template and its not so hard, you will learn how to do it, in this article, within few minutes.
        There are two methods;

  1. Adding Meta tags to whole Blog.
  2. Adding Meta tags to each Blog post. 
You will need to do both.So lets start with method 1...

1:Adding Meta Tags To Whole Blog:

Meta Tags are placed between  <head> and  </head> tag of your blogger template. Login to blogger and follow the following steps;

Step 1:

Go to Template > Backup/restore > Edit HTML 
How to add meta tags in blogger

Step 2:

Now Press Ctrl+F and search for </head> or search for the following code;
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
and past the below code before  </head> or after the above code...

<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='AUTHOR NAME HERE' name='author'/>

  • Write the description of your blog in place of "DESCRIPTION HERE".
  • Write the keywords in place of "KEYWORDS HERE".
  • Write your name in place of "AUTHOR NAME HERE".
As you can see in the following screenshot;
How to add meta tags in blogger
Don't add a whole list of keywords just 5-6 are enough and separate the keywords or author names(if they are more than one) with comas.
                                 Congrats! Coding is done.

2:Adding Meta Tag To Each Blog Post :

Now I will show you how to add meta description tag to individual Blog post.

Step 1:

Go to Settings > Search preferences >  Meta tags>Description>Click on edit

Now check the box YES and it will enable the search description.Write a  brief description of your blog up to 150 characters.

Step 2: To Individual Posts 

After completing step 1 you will be able to add meta description in each blog post.
Just go to edit post(new post) and look for search description.

Write a short summary (important points) of your article in the search description.This description will be shown as a summary of your article in search engine.
I hope this article was helpful.Please share your thoughts in the comment section bellow.

More Interesting Articles:

SEO: How To Use Keywords
How to make your blog look professional
How to create a Privacy Policy for your blog

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

On 07:56 by Truefoxarticles in ,    No comments

  Top 10 Blogging sites      

       Blogging is getting popular day by day.There are a lot of Blog Hosting Sites over the internet. Some of these sites are free to use while others aren't. For a beginner, it is very hard to decide which service to use. Here i have gathered Top10  blogging sites, along with their some info... SO LETS START...


WordPress Users produce about 42.6 million new posts each month. Over 409 million people view more than 14.4 billion pages each month.

  • Founded in May 2013
  • Total users are 60 million
  • You need to get a domain name and web hosting first.

Free blog hosting site.You can get a domain name like "" or you can buy your own domain name.
  • Founded in November, 2005
  • Total blogs 56 million
  • Easy to use but less customization 


Pros: Its completely FREE, and easy to use.
Cons: Variety of Templates are not available.Mostly simple are available.

  • Founded in 1999
  • Bought by Google in 2003
  • You can buy your own domain name too $10 per year e.g 


Tumblr is a micro blogging platform. 

  • Tumblr hosts over 192.9 million blogs.
  • Founded in 2007
  • Bought by Yahoo
  • Easy to use but less professional.


  • Founded in 2006
  • Hosts 15 million websites
  • Very easy to use
  • Less user control 

6.Square space

Good for business owners who want to get on web.Recommended for individual, business owners and websites.

  • Founded in 2004
  •  founder:Anthony Casalena
  • Elegant design.
  • You have to pay for a few features.


It started as an article network.Good for social networking.

  • Founded in 2006
  • 74,000 total users
  • Free to use and nice place to start writing.
  • Less ownership of your work


  • Founded in 2012
  • Founder Evan Williams and Biz stone.
  • Total users?


Good for writing a diary, blogging and journaling. 

  • Fonded in 1999
  • Total users: 39 million accounts
  • Founder: Brad Fitzpatrick


  • Founded in 2013
  • Founder Dustin Curtis
  • Its new and different
  • But no commenting feature in it yet

       Hope you like the list.I haven't given much information about some blogging platforms because i don't much about those and I use and recommend Blogger for newbies.Its easy to use, although its templates are a bit childish but there are many free templates out there online which you can download and use it in blogger.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


On 08:16 by Truefoxarticles in    No comments

How to use keywords

Search engine optimization

                When someone type a word or phrase in the search engine, to describe what they are looking for, are called keywords.For example;Blogging tips, search engine optimization, etc.
               Then you will get a list of webpages related to your keyword that you entered in the search engine.

  •     Now you will be thinking that any word can be a keyword because people can type any word in the search engine, YES that's true BUT the main point here is that "How many people are searching for that keyword(Search Volume)" and how is it related to your blog because you want keywords which are related to your blog or article and have a high search volume.
  • Another point here is competition for a particular keyword.for example you typed SEO in the search, it will come back with list of webpages related to the topic(word) you were looking for.So you have to compete with all these webpages but the competition will be different if you search, for example "Search engine optimization", its copmetition could be high, medium or low. But you want your blog to rank high in the search results, so you would need a keyword having low or medium competition because it will be very difficult for your new blog to have a keyword with high competition and compete with many other mature sites/blogs.

Choosing Keywords :

              What type of keywords do you need?...For that, you should take care of the following factors;
    • High search volume.
    • Have Low or medium competition.
    • Related to your blog/article/idea.
    But how will you get these keyword ideas and how would you know about its competition and search volume?   
    You can use Google AdWords: Keyword planner to get all this info.
    Continue reading and learn how to use Keyword planner.

    Google AdWords Keyword Tool :

    Now I will teach you how to use Google AdWords keyword tool;
     Start Now

    Sign up for Google AdWords. Click the screenshot to Start....

    Now you have account in Google adwords and already logged in...

    Keyword planner

    Click on Tools and select Keyword planner...

    Now click "Search for new keywords and ad group ideas"....You can see in the screenshot to the right.
    And you will get to the tool, what you were waiting.....
    Checkout the screenshot below

    For example, you want to write an article about Google AdSense approval...So type this in the box "Your product or service".

    Type Blog/Site url in "Your landing page".I entered my own blog url as you can see in the screenshot.
    Now click on "Get idea".

    You will get the keyword ideas and all the info you needed like Average monthly searches, competition and average bid.If the keyword ideas you get in the result are in thousands or hundreds then you should filter it for your desired requirements.

    Click on keyword filters...and type the search volume you want, bid and competition.Now use those keywords and also choose a keyword for your article title.

    NOTE:Don't stuff your whole article with keywords because Google will detect it as spam action, so use as less you can.

    Pleas comment if you have any problem left and ask more questions to increase your knowledge.Now you can subscribe by Email.

                                **READ more about**
              SEO tips.                                        

    Sunday, 3 August 2014

    On 09:47 by Truefoxarticles in    No comments

     An Easy Guide For You To Get A Start

    Before getting started :

    There are 3 questions that bloggers or those who wanna know about earning money online ask;

    1. Can I make money blogging ?
    2. Can I make a living blogging ?
    3. Can I make easy money blogging ?

            Well, first two questions are valid and my answer is YES!...But if you are looking for easy money then to be honest I would ask you to stop blogging or stop searching for easy money because blog needs your time and hard work.
         So there is no easy money, even if you have good writing skills and some tips.The most important part  is that it takes time, afterall you are competing with thousands of other bloggers (many are professional bloggers) and the number is increasing day by day.This is what it makes it tough for the newbies.

    You still have a chance :

    Earn money blogging

       There are a number of bloggers who are earning decent amount of money from blogging. They were not professional and  were young, when they started blogging, it means you still have a chance.But those who give up on blogging soon, never followed the right path.

         So,If you have free time, writing skills and patience then start blogging from now.The right start will get you on the right path.Keep on reading and find out how to get a start and follow the right steps;

    Find a Topic :
             You are going to write alot about the topic you choose, so choose it carefully.You should take care of the following factors;

    • Your interest in that topic.
    • How much knowledge do you have about it.
    • Topic has broad appeal or not?
    A specific niche blog would be better  because you just have to concentrate on a specific top and you will attract audience interested in that topic.
    "Topic has a broad appeal " means-Are people searching for that topic or not.If you are going to choose a really taboo topic, that  very few people want to search it in Google, then its really hard to get any traffic.

    Blogging Platform :

         Now you have selected a topic and its time to choose a blogging platform.The top 2 blogging platforms are;
    Both are good options for people who don't want to pay for their own hosting.These are popular blogging platforms but they do have limitations and terms of services, for example;
    • NO copyright
    • NO pornography 
    • NO counterfeit goods
    • NO gambling content ...etc
    Hosting your own blog will a good idea....for example, after purchasing your domain name, will have greater control on how to monetize your blog.But its okay if you can't purchase it.I will recommend Blogger for newbies.

    READ my article on Top 10 Blogging Platforms

    Creating Content :

           Content is the soul of your blog.You already have chosen topic carefully and you have some knowledge about it too, so its time to start writing compelling articles.Use your brain and don't copy past someone's else content.

           The templates that Blogger have are very childish as compare to Word press.So for Blogger users, there are lots of other free templates online that you can download and use.But don't use too fancy templates and your blog should look professional. 

       READ my article on How To Make Your Blog Look Professional.

    Generate Traffic :

       Now this is the major headache for many new bloggers.Well, the very first reason for it is, that your blog is still new or do not enough content.As i have said that it takes time and you don't have to give up in the very beginning. There are several factors that you have to take care of it;

    READ my article on SEO TIPS. Follow those tips and it will help your blog.I will write another article on keywords, which have great importance.

    Ways To Earn Money :

    You have now content rich blog and decent traffic and want to start earning money from your hard work,so there are a number of ways to earn money;
    1. Ads Networks
    You can make money from Google Adsense, WordAds, chitika and other contextual ad services.After applying for such ads networks and getting approved then they will give you code of ads that you can put on you blog.You will get money from advertisers when readers click on those ads.More clicks means more money.
    Read my article on Things To Do Before Applying For Adsense.
    1. Online store
    Create a shop through etsy or another service for selling your artwork (If your blog is about arts).But its an option, it doesn't mean you have to it for earning money. 

    1. Affiliate programs 
    In affiliate programs you provide links to company's products.You will write a compelling article about a product to attract people to buy it and you will give a link of the product. If someone followed your link and purchased that product then that company will pay you a % of that money. Example Clickbank.


    Saturday, 2 August 2014

    On 02:26 by Truefoxarticles in    No comments

    5 Simple Tips You Should Apply Now


              10 years ago it was easy to start a site/blog and get noticed on search engine quickly But now everything has changed, there are more blogger which means more competition, more time and more hard work.
    Seo tips

           A number of factors that didn't much matter years ago, matters a lot today.But there is no golden formula that will help your blog get lots of traffic in days or weeks and if there is someone claiming, that he has got such formula, then let me warn you that its all scam.

      I will share a few tips with you that you should apply to your blog. Competition is tough but it doesn't mean you have no chance, you should follow all the tips and trick you have before giving up.

    More Unique  Content :

             Content is the major key but not the only one.Article should be at least more than 500+ words.The longer the better but it doesn't mean that you should add useless stuff in it.You want your readers to stick around so add internal links in article and encourage conversation, give your viewers a positive feedback.

     Keywords :

               Use keywords correctly in headings of articles and especially meta tags.Meta tag is located in the head section of page html code.Choose keywords related to blog or a particular page of a blog carefully and place them in meta keyword tag;
             <meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/>
                Add upto 6-7  keywords  in the above code in the place of highlighted 'KEYWORDS'(no need for a whole list of keywords) and place it under head section of html as I mentioned before.I have a detail article on that; link is give.
                    Don't stuff your articles with a bunch of keywords or it will be indicated as spam techniques.You can also take help from Google Adwords Tool keyword planner.
    READ article on How To add Meta Tags in Blogger
    READ article on How To Use Keywords

    Alt Attribute :

               Google bots can't read images or any text in image so Alt Attribute is for the reason to describe the content of the image.Images are very important to include in your articles, it makes the article more attractive but you would need to optimize those images for Google image search and Alt Attribute will do your job.

    Webmaster Tools :

               Submit your site to search engines with the help of Google webmaster tools and Bing wembaster tools, sign up and add your site.You would need a sitemap to add it to webmaster tools.Its not a visual sitemap but its a dynamically built sitemap which gives direction to the crawlers what part of your site should be indexed and what shouldn't and is regularly updated to include your most current pages of your website/blog. Its easy to generate a sitemap just search for any ".xml sitemap generator tool" or ask your webmaster to add one.

    Social Sharing :

               Social sharing is very effective and helps in higher search rankings.Google+ beats all the social networks, afterall you are using Google search engine and Google will definitely give priority to its own social network.So sharing your content on Google+ is very important.For example when I published my article on How to make your blog look professional and shared it on Google+ then I searched it on Google search engine, the article shared on Google+ came on the first page but not my blog page.
             Share your content on Facebook and Twitter, encourage your readers to comment and share it with their friends..